Can you use Ayurvedic wisdom to support microdosing? (Hint: We think you can)
Support your microdosing practice with synergistic Ayurvedic herbal formulas designed to help you get the most out of your wellness journey.

When the founder of Mycrodrops.com, a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner and formulator, began researching microdosing for herself, she was confounded by a question regarding the purported claims: “How can one mushroom (the magic kind) be responsible for easing anxiety, depression, lack of focus, and make us creative enough to be the next “Steve Jobs”, when, directionally and energetically, these things are all different? Are microdosing expectations aligned with reality?”
Ayurveda views the formulation of natural medicines as, both, an art and a science. It’s about balancing the energetics of plants, fungi, and minerals and ensuring they’re digestible and bioavailable to the body to result in the desired effect. Herbs are rarely used alone for this reason, and magic mushrooms are no exception, having many synergistic foods and herbs that support their use when properly formulated.
These days, everyone is putting adaptogens in their microdosing formulas. “Buzzword-herbs” like Ashwagandha, Mucuna, and even precious shilajit are being used to assist and sometimes enhance the effects of microdosing substances like psilocybin, LSD.
The trouble is, many of these formulas are not created with the understanding of how they are used by the body, sometimes leaving you with little to no effect, or worse, side effects from indigestibility.
They also fundamentally ignore the reason you got to the place of needing to microdose in the first place. While many people come for creativity and new ways of thinking, still more come because they are burned out from living life in a way that is not aligned with them or made for them, but more on that later.
We like to think of the use of natural medicines (such as plants, fungi & minerals) in formulations as much an art as it is a science, and from an Ayurvedic standpoint, it is all about the balance of energetics in a formula, and the digestibility of the herbs themselves so that they can be utilized by the body (bioavailability).
Mycrodrops.com creates intentional microdosing support formulas for mental and emotional health via ayurvedic principles to address many of the common reasons people are microdosing today, including Mood & Energy, Focus & Stress Tolerance, and Nervous System Stabilization & Calming.
Want to learn more about Ayurveda and why we use these principles in formulation?
Read on as we are briefly going to cover:
- What is Ayurveda
- Formulating according to ayurvedic principles
- What is an “adaptogen” or “nootropic” really (its not what you think)
- Why popular adaptogen supplements are not “working” as expected
- How to use Adaptogens in conjunction with Microdosing
- Where you can get these formulas and special members only support and products
Ayurveda is the 5000+ year old system of holistic medicine from India. It is an entire system encompassing, herbs, bodywork, meditation practices, diet practices and foods as medicine. Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga. While Yoga’s aim is the liberation of the spirit, Ayurveda’s aim is to keep the body healthy and strong to tolerate increased spiritual ascension and gives instruction for the everyday practices related to human-ing on this planet. Ayurveda uses a philosophy charaterizing how the elements are used in each persons uniquely, and the way in which they, specifically, “go out of balance” through the distribution of doshas, or bodily humors, in each individual body (Vata= Air & Ether. Pitta = Fire & Water and Kapha = Earth & Water).

It is rare in eastern medicine for herbs to be given alone. In Ayurvedic formulation, it is much like a story with a “Protaganist”, or the main herb who has the strongest influence on your outcome, a supporting actor(s), herb with similar effects and potentially ANOTHER desired effect, sometimes a “Foil” or “Antagonist” which can pull back some of the qualities of the first two so as not to create a NEW imbalance, and the creative spark itself, which in this analogy is what we call a “Dipana” or the herb that makes the digestion of all the medicines possible. The Dosha being treated, the taste, temperature and post-digestive effect are all considered while writing the story. This matters alot when you are microdosing. More on that in a minute.

An adaptogen, according to popular definition, is an herb, mushroom, or mineral substance with that helps you tolerate stress, anxiety and fatigue and has a “normalizing” effect on the body. Many adaptogens are also “nootropics” meaning they have a proclivity for enhancing mental cognition as well. Many adaptogens are nootropics, and some nootropics are adaptogens, but they are not interchangeable.
Think of the 4 N’s: Nourishing, Normalizing, Non-specific (work on many areas at once) and Non-toxic.
While this makes them tremendously exciting and popular, it does not help you understand how to use them for these things to be true, as according to ayurveda, anything you don’t digest becomes toxic including food, emotions and yes, even medicines meant to help you heal.

Let’s look at your popular adaptogens for instance: Ashahganda, Ginseng, Astragalus, Eluthro and Rhodiola and popular secondary adaptogen, Turmeric, for instance, which are all ROOTS.
While not all adaptogens are roots, many of the most popular ones are, which means they are heavy and hard to digest and require help for bioavailability. Ashwahganda, for instance is enhanced greatly by the use of Black Pepper as is turmeric. The weaker your digestion, the less likely you are to benefit from these substances unless properly formulated. In addition, many of these mentioned above are also classified as “Aphrodesiacs” which, in Ayruveda, are medicines which work on the deepest reproductive tissues. That means they have to get through your whole system to make it there to do the work of nourishing, normalizing and non-specific help for the body, and they have to be PROPERLY DIGESTED to result in them being “non-toxic”. In order to help them DIGEST, we add a pungent spice into the formula to assists its assimilation. This all important step is missing from most adaptogen & nootropic companies as well as the microdosing companies employing these buzz-herbs to attract attention. Just because they are non-specific, does not mean they cannot be used “specifically”

With the rise in the popularity of adaptogens and nootropics, companies have begun to simply throw the biggest names into their formulas making an already hard to digest thing: A psychedelic mushroom, even harder to digest by adding ashwhaganda, and mucuna with the idea that it will stabilize your nervous system; Which, it MIGHT, had those medicines been properly formulated so you could use them in your body. If you are microdosing for anxiousness, you will need completely different formula from someone dosing for low mood and fatigue, or from someone who is microdosing for anger and emotional control. This is why it makes little sense to take just the mushroom, which is itself a non-specific amplifier.
Consider the microdose to be the lifeboat, and your formula that you take along side of or as a part of your microdose to be the oars to row you ashore. It is very important to get your head above water as a first step, but you are not trying to stay in the middle of the lake. It will get cold eventually.
We are Mycrodrops. An Oregon-based Benefit company founded by an Ayurvedic practitioner and Mom to successfully formulate her own way out of a personal crisis. We have 3 main lines, as well as a wide variety of legal entheogens available in beverages, extracts, elixirs and capsules, intentionally composed to enhance and support the experience of microdosing, but purposeful enough to be used completely on their own. MycroCalm™ for nervousness and grounding, MycroFlow™ for Focus and combatting intensity and stress, and MycroActive™ for Mood-Elevation and fighting fatigue. These lines come in capsules, Ayurvedic Rasayana (rejuvenating) Elixirs and stacking powders for you to “Dose-It-Yourself” or make your own microdoses with! We believe in reciprocity, real earth medicine over pop-culture bites. Transparency and accountability in business, life and products.

We would love for you to check out our offerings at www.mycrodrops.com and explore our myriad offerings, and join our vibrant community on Patreon at www.patreon.com/mycroverse for educational support from our team and members-only offerings. We give all your patreon fees back as credits monthly that can be used for products on our site.
If you are a healing arts practitioner of any kind and would like to introduce MycroDrops to your community, please reach out! We would love to collaborate and introduce you to our affiliate program. Hello@mycrodrops.com
Or you can call us with questions at 1-833-GO-MYCRO
A nerdy disclaimer from our Founder:
*"Ayurveda is not known for its heavy use of mushrooms, as they are classified as “tamasic” like garlic and onions, and may mean they are not recommended on the traditional yogic path, but as a householder, which most of us are, they are a viable earth technology and can be classified using the same energetic systems as all other foods and substances. According to Ayurveda, everything is medicine for someone and nothing is a medicine for everyone. If microdosing is aligned with you on your path right now, then lets give that little mushroom all the help it can get to support your transformation."
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1 comment
Is your product illegal in Japan? I’m in Japan now…
Joseph Helmick
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